“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness”
Our Young Peoples Society is a fellowship of high school and college age students who meet together September thru May after the evening worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
This 2020/2021 season we are meeting with 20-25 young people and are going through a biography of Robert Murray M’Cheyne written by Andrew Bonar.
A typical meeting will be started with singing a few psalters and hymns, followed by opening in prayer. Each meeting one of the youth members presents a study/overview of a portion of our book. Afterwards we have a time of questions and discussion regarding the topic presented. Following this we discuss any business items of our YPS group. One of our male members closes in prayer and then we all sing “Seek Ye First” after which we have some snacks/dinner provided by one of our youth members on a rotating basis.
Outside of our regular meetings we also get together for various activities including, ice skating, laser tag, swimming, bonfires, and game nights which help promote unity and friendship.
The YPS also host our annual church picnic in October which is attended by the congregation.
The YPS also organizes fundraisers during the year. Typically in November there is an evening of thanksgiving with dessert and song and in March a Ziti Dinner is held to offset the cost of Young Peoples weekend. Young Peoples Weekend is held the 3rd weekend in May and is the concluding event of our year. It is a highly anticipated event as 60-100 young people from throughout the federation and other local churches attend. We gather together for a weekend of fellowship with one another, recreational activities which have included scavenger hunts in New York City or rafting down the Delaware River; and above all, worship and devotion to the Lord. Christian friendships are forged and nourished and we pray a foundation is established whereby the mediation of David in Ps.119:63 is settled “I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and them that keep thy precepts”.